We drove 155 miles from Meziadan Lake Provincial campground To Terrace, BC. It was another beautiful sunny day with the temperatures in the high 70s.


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We stayed at the Ferry Island Municipal Campground in Terrace, where we hiked a 2.5 mile trail in the woods surrounding the campground. Local artist Rick Goyette carved faces in many of the trees.  The carvings reminded me a a childhood memory of the song “This is the forest of No Return. This is the forest of No Return, Those who stumble in, those who fumble in, Never can get out!”

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Replicas of the Ferry Island tree carvings with a picture of the Rick Goyette, the artist.

Trip Statistics

  • We drove 155 miles today for a trip total of 9,178 miles so far.
  • Today we paid $4.025 a gallon of gas today for a trip total of $3,192.87.
  • The Ferry Island Municipal Campground cost was $21.28 USD ($28.00 CAN) for a trip total of $1,965.71, or an average of $30.24 per night.