Arrived at the RSI RV Park In Wichita  around 4:00 this afternoon.  it was sunny and hot with a temperature of of 92 (supposed to fall to 72 during the night).  We found out about a nice  bicycle trail along the Arkansas River, so we drove to the trail and rode 6 miles.  We had hoped to ride further, but part of the trail was closed because it lead into the downtown area where the city was celebrating Riverfest.  

The festival started tonight and will last 10 days. We decided to stick around for the parade which seemed to have every single emergency vehicle imaginable blowing their sirens as they passed.  There were police on horses and on bicycles, shriners riding crazy little cars, every sports team imaginable... surely every single group in the whole city was represented, mostly walking. LONGEST (and most boring) parade ever!  …and only one band was marching and playing.

After the parade we waited in a long line for ice cream and then drove back to see the Keeper of the flame lit up.  Fireworks followed at 10:00 and we watched those in the car as we were trying to get back to our campground.

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